Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I have walked tall
I have walked slouching
I have crawled
I have stayed down
then I got up
and walked some more
walked alot
ran alot
then I started falling
falling slow
but falling hard
and fast
then slow, then fast
still have not hit a hard surface
still falling
deeper and deeper
And falling tall

I too am ready...

I feel,
strongly feel, as though I am ready
I am ready for one person
One person i alone see the way i see
One person i have so much regard for and he for me,
I am never jealous of him and he of me
Paying no attention to evils done
Someone I am patient with and kind to, and he to me
Never rude or resentful
Not self seeking or unbecoming
Not boastful, envious or conceited
Someone I will love the way the Bible says
I dont feel,
I dont think,
I know...
I too am ready for love

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

9ja 07/08 so far

My trip to Nigeria has been the most eventful ever. on the positive note I, for the first time went to the eastern part of Nigeria, Calabar. I think its an experience worth the drive. Digressing, I also had the worst flight ever in my life. I missed the first one, had to go back and get another visa, then the second flight wasnt to abuja anymore so i had to ask my parents who were already upset to make reservations at a hotel in Lagos. the fligt felt like it was 2 days long and the men on the flight. OMG!!! were wrong. half of them were drunk on the beer served, the air hosts were practically scolding them to return to their seats, one man asked if they would sell him HALF A PACK OF CIGARETTE from duty free. Did he think he was in the market!!! Half the men were looking for women to hit on during the flight n boy were they rude!
Ive never heard anything positive about the Lagos airport, matter of fact, when my ticket was printed at the airport and it said final destination Lagos, the computer sent an extra report on the safety in Lagos, how the airport doesnt comply to safety rules!!! Anyway we arrived at night and i did not want my sister, who was my travel partner to bring out her phone or speak about money or speak period near me, coz i didnt want to be marked!!! i hear people get followed from the airport and get robbed. So we get to the hotel and my adorable friend, who ive missed so much come over with SUYA for me, well more like us.
Flight back to Abuja was delightful, the air hostess was nice, and coz i said hey and introduced myself as we had slept in the same hotel the night before, we got upgraded to first class!!! OK, nothing special as it was an hour flight but believe me there is something nice or great in paying for the smaller regular seats and getting the spacey soft leather seats with a fruit bowl for breakfast. I didnt know we had KIWI in Nigeria, but it was good.
I left for Calabar the morning after i arrived and spent the best 4 days relaxing, dinning, at the water park and on a tour that had one of those line bridges, my mom n sister almost peed themselves!! I had a blast and then had to leave on the day of my party in Abuja.
Party was fun, i met people i hadnt seen in 4.5 yrs and met people i hadnt met before altogether! Nice people, and of coz special people. My brother threw me a wonderful party and even if most of my close friends didnt show up the few that were there made it worth my while. you know what they say bout numbers and quality? well I had a lil number but quality fun. My brother had the people at Tai Chi spell out CONGRATS with lil candles on the table for me, which was one of my highlights coz i just wasnt expecting it. Oh yeah. i wanted an open tab at the bar, and my brother warned against it but he did it anyway for me, some greedy person ordered two bottles of MO ET!!! ok, i can see glasses n stuff but damn! oh well.
After the party my friend his sister, am not sure wot word to describe her with coz fun, wudnt do her justice, and her friend went to this Lounge to chill coz they were hungry and i just wasnt ready to go home, anyway she asked for a chicken platter and ages later they return with this huge plate of rice and maybe 5 tiny pieces of chicken. no joke. her response: did i tell you i dont have rice at home!!!pack it pack it. and then we leave.

Altogether, im having a fun and fulfilling time. I have so much more to look forward to, i might still go to Ghana and experience another African country, i still have Lagos to go to simple because its more fun. Abuja sleeps at night, except at the weekend and even at that you can go to all the spots in abuja in one night. (I still love Abuja better than Lagos)

I havent blogged because the Internet is so slow and they have the nerve to make it wireless, n my lap top crash on me, VISTA SUCKS buy an apple laptop or just downgrade.

Anyway i hope the latter part of my stay is more fun and more fulfilling as Im taking major life altering steps in the next month and half!!!

VIV La Nigeria (forgive me, i had to)

Friday, December 14, 2007


My happiness cannot be measured,
my excitement is overwhelming,
I am in a special place in my mind,
i can do anything
i am unconquerable
I am, I am...
I too am officially a GRADUATE.
In everything i am more than thankful to God and the people around me who have in one way or another helped me through this LONG journey, and am especially expectant.

Funny story: after my last exam today, i found out that one of my friends i was taking my last advanced accounting exam with, which was the best difficult exam i ever took, actually knew me before college.

Apparently, we met at the embassy when we both went to get our student visas and when we met in school i did not recognize her and maybe because of the harsh weather i met in Baltimore when i started school, i said hello to her casually so she thought i was fronting and did not like me for a while. she waited past freshman year all the way to our last day in school to tell me this!!!

It was nice to find that out but sad to know that she felt that way then.

I feel as though i have taken a huge step in a totally new direction, I too am no longer a student and i am about to join the work force!!! shikes. As exciting as it is, i have decided to push all worries or thoughts aside and just bask in this euphoric feeling that i once underestimated!

I officially hold a Bachelor of Science in Accounting!!!

Thank you Jesus.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


The last week of college as an undergrad, and in the last month of 2007, has had alot of thinking for me . Thinking bout all the things ive done in this year to the things ive done since my first freshman class!!!
Its been a journey, and at this point, im wondering am i taking the correct next step? Hope i dont regret it, hope it works perfectly into my life plan, hope it gets me where i want to get to in life. Hoping. My life is full of next steps. I am at several cross roads. Crossroads in almost every aspect of my life: educational, financial, friendships, relationship, spirituality, physicality, all the facets of my life are morphing into something new. At this point, am watching and waiting, for i know, I am a beautiful work in progress!!!


My life is a work in progress. Before now, blogging used to be an open diary. Now i see blogging is a form of art. Its what ever you want it to be, its an escape. So I am officially a blogger!!!