Friday, December 14, 2007


My happiness cannot be measured,
my excitement is overwhelming,
I am in a special place in my mind,
i can do anything
i am unconquerable
I am, I am...
I too am officially a GRADUATE.
In everything i am more than thankful to God and the people around me who have in one way or another helped me through this LONG journey, and am especially expectant.

Funny story: after my last exam today, i found out that one of my friends i was taking my last advanced accounting exam with, which was the best difficult exam i ever took, actually knew me before college.

Apparently, we met at the embassy when we both went to get our student visas and when we met in school i did not recognize her and maybe because of the harsh weather i met in Baltimore when i started school, i said hello to her casually so she thought i was fronting and did not like me for a while. she waited past freshman year all the way to our last day in school to tell me this!!!

It was nice to find that out but sad to know that she felt that way then.

I feel as though i have taken a huge step in a totally new direction, I too am no longer a student and i am about to join the work force!!! shikes. As exciting as it is, i have decided to push all worries or thoughts aside and just bask in this euphoric feeling that i once underestimated!

I officially hold a Bachelor of Science in Accounting!!!

Thank you Jesus.


Blogger dScR?Be said...

CONGRATULATIONS... One step passed, MANNNNNY more 2 come...

Goodluck and God speed!

December 14, 2007 at 11:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O dear! Congratulations! Your a lucky person, you don't just have a bachelors but you have it at a very young age.
Your blessed and may God continue to guide you through the right path.

December 16, 2007 at 4:02 AM  
Blogger ToluTolz said...

Congratz!!!! Sky is the limit!

December 27, 2007 at 8:57 AM  

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